Our REFUND POLICY has always been that we do not do refunds except in the case that a customer puts down a deposit with my knowledge that they will need HOA approval that is pending and if it is denied we will give a refund.

This year has been hard on everyone and while we know everyone is ready for their Playsets to be installed we want you all to know we are working our best to get to each set as quickly as possible and it is difficult to give an exact date due to the weather. I have tried keeping my crew busy by building parents swings and when possible picking up slides and lumber on rainy days so they can still make their hours each week. While we have purchased a second trailer and completely outfitted that trailer with all the tools necessary to run a second crew we unfortunately cannot work in the rain. I currently have several thousand dollars worth of lumber and supplies on my driveway whereas our normal procedure has always been to buy lumber for each job the day we go to build. With that being said rain has been a HUGE delay for us this year. Lumber will not run out so we will have it to build with it is just taking extra time to get it. While lumber prices have skyrocketed during the pandemic I have not yet increased my prices due to the increase in lumber costs and am hopeful as well that those prices will go back down, however if they do not I may soon have to to increase prices which I am hoping I do not have to do. We have had to take off a day each week over the last few weeks just to go to several different stores purchasing lumber as it comes in on the trucks-and then bring it back to stockpile on my driveway so that we can continue building each week. There has also been a lumber shortage due to the mills being closed for 3 weeks at the beginning of the pandemic, the sudden increase in people at home doing more building projects, and the extreme amount of rain we have had which has made it difficult to get the lumber processed quickly enough to get it into the stores to meet supply and demand.

I am very hopeful once these slides become available again that the price increase will drop. Unfortunately as well from what I have seen online there may be an increase in price on these two slides of $230 on the 7 turbo slide from the original costs I have been quoted from the vendor and have quoted to customers and at this moment I do not know what the costs will be on the 8 slides. While we have been able to get 10 slides we have still not been able to get turbo slides or 8 slides as a result in an over abundance of orders this year due to stay at home orders and the manufacturers working with limited staff. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic along with the overwhelming amounts-of rain we have had recently we are experiencing delays in building that are unfortunately out of our control.